Swirls: Sniffing Wi-Fi Using Radios with Low Sampling Rates
Previous Publications
- UReCa: Enabling Untethered VR/AR System via Human-centric Graphic Computing and Distributed Data
Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) devices, especially their mobile versions are newly emergent technologies. However, a major challenge that VR/AR technologies faces is the gap between the increasing needs for graphic and data processing and the limited computing capability of the mobile hardware. The project aims to develop an innovative VR/AR system, namely, "EUReCa", which tackles the challenge of human-centric graphic processing and distributed data processing. This research studies VR/AR system design using standard workloads to understand the computation source utilization that leads to development of usage model, and reduces the computation loads via task allocation, thereby enhancing the efficiency and scalability of computation.
- The Invisible Shield: User Classification and Authentication for Mobile Device Based on Continuous Gesture Recognition
The developed scheme (referred to as the Invisible Shield) is capable of acquiring multiple channels of mobile device users real time operation gesture data and efficiently processes a large volume of data by leveraging the unique computational capabilities of smartphone devices. The data security offered by invisible shield creates no noticeable impact on device selection and usage, evolves with the user and becomes more robust over time, and stands to revolutionize the current mobile device security industry.
- OREO: Tri-layer Optimization for Power Efficient OLED Display
Smartphones and tablets become the horsepower of electronic industry. OLED display panels, which are recently introduced to mainstream mobile devices, contribute to the largest portion of the power consumption of a mobile device among all components. Power management of OLED panel remains one of the major challenges in the design. The objective of the research is developing a human-vision perception (HVP) retaining OLED power management scheme (named “OREO”) by integrating the innovations at application and hardware levels. A hybrid OLED power management scheme is designed to complement the efforts of panel manufacturers on OLED emitting efficiency improvement, narrow down the gap between the rapidly growing demand for system energy and the slow battery capacity improvement, and accelerate the adoption of OLED technology.